Nalbie Blade Corporation is a comprehensive manufacturer of blades. Manufactures high-quality blades from scrapers and knives to industrial custom-made blades.

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    business hours 9:00 ~ 17:00

Month: March 2023

Article list

Exhibited in the 33rd AQUARIUM BUS

We exhibited in “the 33rd AQUARIUM BUS” held on Sunday, March 12, 2023 in Taito Building, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center. Though it was our first time to exhibit there, as exhibitors were from various genres, we could listen to

We exhibited in the 33rd AQUARIUM BUS

We exhibited in “the 33rd AQUATIUM BUS“, the biggest exhibition event of fish and pets in Japan organized FeedOn, which was held on March 12, 2023, at Taito Building, Tokyo Metropolitan Industrial Trade Center. Many people visited our booth and thanks